Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This weekend the Spring Peepers came to life on camp. Spring Peepers are a small frog, called Pinkletinks on Martha's Vineyard. They "spring" (sorry) to life in March and April, whenever we get the first warm rain, and they meet up in pools to mate and lay eggs. You can read more about them here or here. There isn't a good place for them to hang out at Burgess because they like pools with not many fish. The swamp at Hayward is a good place to hear them and they also like the vernal pool near Kitteridge (not far from High Ropes). They'll still be making noise during summer camp if you want to hear them.