Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Most Friday afternoons in the winter at Camp, we try and get all the staff together to do a project. Sometimes it ends up being things that need doing, like stuffing envelopes or cleaning out basements, but it is more fun doing it as a group. For a change last Friday we went on a walk around Burgess. The idea was mainly just to have a walk, but we also wanted to dream a little and talk about things that we could do to make this amazing place even more beautiful and fun.


Gage & Akira lead the charge

I know this looks a little strange, but serious thinking was taking place.

The scary shed in the old orchard.

This saw one too many games of "Sink the Swiss"

Walks around Camp are no joke

Enjoying the winter view from the lodge.