Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The View

We have some pretty special vistas here at Camp, but the view from some of the staff's desks is better than others. Over the next few weeks we'll take care of two birds with one stone and not only show you the nice views (that some enjoy) but also tell you a bit about the person who gets to enjoy it.

Meet Donna. She enjoys this view out over Triangle Pond. At this time of year Donna is busy organizing our teen programs and is currently interviewing CIT's. She is getting psyched to lead the Ski & Snowboard Adventure during February Vacation. Just out of shot on the photo is Gage, a black labrador puppy who Donna is training to be a seeing eye dog.