Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New cabins for Camp Burgess

Work on the new Camp Burgess cabins is well under way, thanks to the hard work of the New England Carpenters Union who are donating their time to the project. They will be located next to the path connecting the lodge and the New Dining Hall. Five cabins are in various states of completion, with each featuring two counselor rooms and bunks for eight campers. The new bunk design is pretty sweet and there is plenty of room in the middle for card games. I'd even go so far as to say you could play 4-square in there, but check with the Director on that one.
Here are some photos from a couple of weeks back, we'll get some up to date ones on here once we figure out what's up with the camera.