We are pleased to announce the launching of our new website on January 16, 2008. This new site is filled with wonderful information about our Association as well as Camp Burgess & Hayward. Like our old website, you will be able to find out more about our camp programs, find and print forms and documents, as well as register and make payments on line. During the transition time, our current website (
www.ssymca.org/camps) is still functional, however the on line registration and payment systems have been disabled due to a technical problem with our current web hosting company.
It is very important that if you registered or know of people that may have registered on line during the time period of 12/17/07 through 01/08/08 that you contact our office (phone number 508-428-2571) to ensure that your registration was received and processed. We apologize for this inconvenience, but appreciate your cooperation with this matter. Again, thank you for your assistance and we look forward to seeing you during our 2008 camping season.