Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Campers back at Camp!!!!

Last weekend Camp hosted our annual Winter Reunion. Campers arrived for a fun packed weekend of Camp activities and to reminisce about summers past.
Highlights of the weekend included a trip to the ice skating rink where we all showed off our skating skills, created ceramic mosaics for a peace path, made our own desserts and enjoyed other random/wacky Camp games. We would like to thank all the staff and campers who attended our fantastic reunion; hope to see you all again this summer!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Hey. Camp has been quiiiiiiet, but things are starting to get going again. Here are some things for the to do list, and to look out for in the next few weeks.
  • Get your staff/camper/tripper applications into us. We are starting to fill up.
  • Look out for photos of this weekends winter reunion. It's also not too late to sign up and join in the winter madness.
  • Silva and Rachel will be making a show at the Camp America Fairs in Edinburgh (Jan 30th) and Belfast(Feb 4th). If you want to call in and say hi, drop them a line to let them know.
  • We still have two places left for the Teen Ski Trip to New Hampshire during February Vacation. Call us now (508 428 2571 ) for deets.

Stay warm/dry/cool depending on where you are.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Important Website information

We are pleased to announce the launching of our new website on January 16, 2008. This new site is filled with wonderful information about our Association as well as Camp Burgess & Hayward. Like our old website, you will be able to find out more about our camp programs, find and print forms and documents, as well as register and make payments on line. During the transition time, our current website (www.ssymca.org/camps) is still functional, however the on line registration and payment systems have been disabled due to a technical problem with our current web hosting company.

It is very important that if you registered or know of people that may have registered on line during the time period of 12/17/07 through 01/08/08 that you contact our office (phone number 508-428-2571) to ensure that your registration was received and processed. We apologize for this inconvenience, but appreciate your cooperation with this matter. Again, thank you for your assistance and we look forward to seeing you during our 2008 camping season.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Everyone at Camp Burgess and Hayward wishes you and your family a safe, happy, and healthy 2008

We started 2008 with a great look at some wildlife on Camp. Today a Red Fox was prowling around outside the Burgess office and ended up hunting a squirrel for its lunch. We took a few photos as the fox started to run off so you have to look really hard to find the fox in the photos!!

The Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) is native to most parts of the USA, Europe, Asia, North Africa and Canada. At camp we have at least two families we know of, one family who produced 6 cubs last spring under the "Y" building at Camp Hayward and a family who live near the Cardiac's at Burgess.

Red foxes are beautiful canines with a dark red fur, white belly, black legs and black tips on their bushy tails. Their eyes are yellow with black slits they way cats eyes look. Their main diet is made up from invertebrates like earth worms and snails although they do sometimes take larger mammals and are fond of fruits and berries in the fall.

It was great to see the fox out and about (foxes are Laura's favourite animals so she was particularly excited) and a great way to start the New Year at camp!!

The other news from camp is that the summer memories DVD has been sent out so you should all receive your copy in the next week. It was produced by Craig Gallacher the media/program director from this summer and includes highlights from all the sessions, all of your cabin photos and all the videos that were produced in the media program or during media CAPs. We are all very proud of this years DVD and all the work you put into creating your videos this summer, we hope you enjoy it and it gets you excited for summer 2008. If you just can't wait till the summer you can still sign up for winter reunion which is running from the 19th to the 21st of January and has all the excitement of summer camp, just colder!!!!!!

Hope to see you there!