Welcome to the official Blog for YMCA Camp Burgess and Hayward in Sandwich on Cape Cod.
Here you will find all the latest news from both sides of Spectacle Pond.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The first snow

Today saw the first proper snow fall of the year at Camp! Whilst Jessie ploughed for the first time in his life Debra, Joe and Laura took a quick break from the office to go outside and enjoy the weather. After a quick snowball fight during which Laura, who was as ever unprepared for the weather in her Unit Leader sweatshirt and leaky shoes got completely soaked, Debra and Joe hit the basketball court. Joe dominated the game scoring several baskets with his home designed snowballs. Not content with a basketball victory Joe and Laura had a fierce game of tether ball winter style. After all the fun and hilarity it was time to head back to the office to get on with the planning for winter reunion.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Camp is really quiet right now. Half of the full time staff are off enjoying great holiday vacations including Gage our seeing eye puppy who has to go away once every three months in order for him to get used to staying in different locations. A very important lesson for a seeing eye puppy. The rest of us are getting ready for the holidays and Debra our office manager is entertaining us all with wonderful renditions of popular Christmas songs.
Lois our wonderful chef came by today and hung up our stockings over the fire place in the dining hall and our live tree that we got last week is doing well.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Holiday Time

As the holidays grow closer the year round staff are getting into the spirit of the holidays. After a fun holiday lunch we went to a local farm stall in the school bus and picked a beautiful tree for the office. We chose a living tree so that after the holidays we can plant it out somewhere on camp. Debra and Laura went a little crazy with the decorating helped along by Gage the seeing eye dog that is being trained by Donna and Silva. We are very pleased with the end result feel free to come by and see for yourself!!